Dear Diary..
... I often write about love, as íf I knew anything about it. I know how it feels to be hurt, I know everything about those emotions.
But do I really know anything about real, pure and happy love?
Dear Diary I keep saying that my only love is be alone. I keep saying that guys are made to have fun with, not to live under the same roof with. I keep saying that there is too much dreams in front of me, that I have no time for silly, disgusting feelings. I keep saying that nothing couldn't be better than it already is. Is it possible that people look at me as if I'm a broken person who talks too much crap and don't understand a damn about anything?
Dear Diary for what I can see, I enjoy being on my own. But they say that nobody wants to be alone and that everybody needs someone in their life. Well.. I have someone in my life - me..
Dear Diray I'm no pro, but is it possible that I'm scared as hell? Perhaps I'm scared to be hurt again, to start the pain all over again and perhaps I'm afraid of falling in love and lose my control...
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2. Jag är gärna med i dagens blogg eller veckans blogg tävlingar
3. Glöm inte att man kan gästblogga hos mej och därmed sno mina gulliga läsare.
4. Fråga inte hur jag mår eller vad jag gör om du inte bryr dej tillräckligt mycket för att se att svaren i stort sett alltid är nyligen uppdaterat på bloggen.
Tack för att du tittade in och självklart ses vi väl snart igen? ;)
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